Monday, May 30, 2011

Why Android is better than iPhone

Battery Life:
Achieving more than 3 days on a single charge is pretty nice. I do not have to worry about having to charge my device every night, or like many of my iPhone possessing freinds carry a charge cord everywhere I go and plug in constantly. I find it amusing when I see iPhone users tethered around outlets at Disneyland, ComicCon, Starbucks, etc trying to get a little charge into their power hungry device. Besides the fact that I have 2 extra batteries for my Motorola Droid X which can be swapped out with just a quick reboot. Should I ever need to, but don't even carry them with me anymore since I have never had to use them.

Anyone that knows me, knows that I always have 100 things open on my computer. Usually, Chrome and Internet Explorer, each with many tabs open. Photoshop, Word, Excel, Music, and several other applications. Well, my droid is the same way. I usually have Google Maps/Navigation open to monitor traffic or navigate me, Pandora or Google Music playing, web browser, Facebook, GMail, Weatherbug, Yelp, FourSquare, and depending on what I am doing a couple more maybe. Look at the screenshot icons at the top, GMail, MySpace, Yahoo, Facebook...

Removable Memory:
As a photographer I usually have my Nikon with me. Sometimes I feel the need to upload pictures immediately, but as a photographer I am not going to rely on my DroidX's 8 megapixel phone camera. I use my Nikon with an SD>MicroSD adapter and all my cards are MicroSD. For example, I was at a friend's graduation a couple weeks before writing this, and I took a few great shots with my Nikon using a 200mm zoom and flash. Shots that could never be made with any cameraphone. Even before the ceremony was completed and all the graduates has left the building those pictures were posted on Facebook. Simply by switching out the MicroSD card. There have been days I have taken over 5000 pictures with my Nikon and having an extra card with me, in my phone, is quite useful as I never anticipate having 16 GB of anything on my phone's SD card when I already have 8 GB in the phone itself. Especially since I am using Google Cloud to host my files and music independent of any device.

Google Music
Speaking of which, Apple needs to keep up so they just announced that they are going to introduce the iCloud or whatever to store and stream iTunes music to Apple internet enabled devices. I have no idea what Apple will do with their forthcoming cloud, but Google allows for 20,000 songs to be stored in the cloud for free and streamed to any computer or Flash enabled mobile device, like Android phones and tablets and Windows Phones.

Adobe Flash:
Pass the salt. I will rub it into the STILL open wounds of Apple fanatics. As much as I loathe the abuse of Adobe Flash on websites for no reason. There are still practical uses for Flash and I appreciate that my DroidX can run the most current version of Flash.

Screen Size:
My DroidX has a 4.3" screen compared with Apple's iPhone 4 still running the same old 3.5" screen from 5 years ago. That is 51% more screen area than the iPhone 4. My previous phone had a 3.5" display I can say the difference is night and day. It felt like when I went from a 60" TV to a 73". It is absolutely stunning.

Mobile HotSpot/Tethering:
I have on many occasions utilised the Mobile HotSpot feature of my DroidX to share my internet connection. Recently I was on a film shoot, I was playing with my netbook so I had the HotSpot open. And actually was providing internet service to at one point 8 other users, most of which were using iPhones. If the AT&T is so great then why were half a dozen iPhone's jumping onto Verizon's internet through my DroidX?

HDMI Output:
Not something I am using at this point, but having the ability to stream the screen out of the phone and into an HDTV seems pretty awesome, all for the need of an $8 cable. Could be useful I guess, if I had the cable, I could go to someone else's house and stream my Netflix or Uverse video from my phone to their TV in HD.

Google Integration:
I have for the most part giving up on Microsoft altogether. I have dual boot WinXP and FroYo I don't even have Office installed on my netbook, I am using GMail, Google Calendar, Tasks which replace Outlook. I am using Google Docs which replaces Word and Excel, as well as cloud storage for the docs. I am using Chrome instead of MSIE except sites that require MSIE. Then all the other Google integrated applications, Maps, Earth, Navigation, Places, Goggles, Books, Reader (rss), Health, Voice (voip calling), SkyMap (astronomy), Listen (podcasts), Buzz (check-in), Translate, Finance (stocks), Scoreboard (sports), Panaramio and Pandora (pictures), Blogger, and a plethora of other Google solutions.

Voice Application:
Not to be confused with Google Voice, VOIP service, I am referring to the concept of controling the phone by voice. I can speak and it will respond. Like "Send Text to Sydney I'm on my way" or "Call mom at home" or "Navigate to Disneyland" or "Listen to Beethoven" or "Go to Wikipedia" and countless other features. My Droid can also talk back, I can have it read me text messages while I am driving, or annouce reminders.

There are still more benefits...

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